Digging Dangers Videos

Excavation safety and awareness videos that pack a punch!

Keep your crew on the edge of their seats while reinforcing the need for safe excavation practices. Watch real stories of excavation accidents presented in a compelling format, sponsored and used by one-call organizations and other groups across the country. Over 100,000 excavators a year see Digging Dangers Videos and view them as one of the top tools for damage prevention awareness education.

Subscribe to Digging Dangers for unlimited streaming or purchase videos individually on Vimeo.
*Volume 35, covering damages from 2024, now available!

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Regular sponsors (before Jan. 1) for DD 35:

Late sponsors (after Jan. 1) for DD 35:

Our sponsors recognize the need for a compelling, independent voice in the buried utility damage prevention industry. Digging Dangers Videos are far-reaching. Over 100,000 excavators and others in the industry view our videos annually through contractor safety meetings, training seminars, and one-call outreach and awareness efforts.

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